Best Tech Resolutions to Make Your Life Easier

Tech is supposed to make our lives easier. But sometimes, we don’t use them the right way, and because of how reliant we are on them, we become frustrated when they don’t work well.
Most guys have a lot of tweaking for their tech devices, but they either ignore it or don’t think about it. This guide covers some of the best tech resolutions that will make your tech life easier.

Maintain Your Devices

The first thing you should add to your to-do list is maintaining your device. We use our smartphones and computers regularly, and after a while, they stop feeling brand-new because of the sluggish behavior. There are different things you can do to maintain your device.
You can start by checking the condition of your battery with apps that reveal your battery statistics. If your battery is no longer strong, you can get an appointment with a repair shop. It’s also good to free up some storage by deleting files you know you’re not using. Clean your screen and get rid of the dust too. It would help if you did this every six months.

Clean Up Your Passwords

One can only memorize so many passwords, which causes us to use the same password across different websites. Whether it’s shopping sites, your email, social media, or banking, you might be using the same passwords for all platforms. If your password is hacked, all these accounts are also vulnerable.
You should log into the different accounts and change the password to something strong. A strong password should have capital and lower-case letters, special characters, and numbers. You should also add two-factor verification for extra security if the platform allows it.

Use a Password Manager

If you’re having trouble cleaning up your passwords, you can go for a password manager, which will make your life much easier. It helps you create a solid and random string of characters, symbols, and numbers for your different apps and websites.
So whenever you want to log into the app or website, you can use the browser plugins or apps to get the password. The passwords are also protected. You can also go password-free with Touch ID or Face ID.

Turn Push Notifications Off

One thing that you can do to help yourself is to turn your push notifications off. Although it’s hard to imagine having your phone with no push notifications from third-party apps, this can help you feel less overwhelmed and more organized.
You can take control of your phone and your attention span by turning the push notifications off. After doing this, you might realize that you’re missing some app updates and notifications. When this happens, turn them on one at a time.

Turn your Find My iPhone On

It’s pretty easy to get this resolution done, and it won’t take any time or effort from you to turn the Find My iPhone setting on. This will benefit you whenever you lose your phone or misplace it. We usually regret not activating this feature when we’re frantically looking for our phones, so why not turn it on beforehand.
You need to do so in your settings and activate it with your password. Also, this feature operates in the background so that it won’t affect your phone’s operation. So, turn this setting on today.

Check Your Internet Infrastructure

We are usually quick to replace our phones and computers when they are old or damaged, but we always ignore the Wi-Fi router or charger that we have been using for a long time. So, you have a new phone connected to an old Wi-Fi router that you probably have to hit to work correctly.
So, it would be best if you made it your resolution to check your internet infrastructure. If you’ve been using your router for more than three years, you should replace it with one up to modern standards, offering you faster and more reliable internet. You should also check other infrastructure that you use for your devices.

Shop Smart

Whenever you see a nice-looking electronic device online, it’s easy to order it quickly. Most people wait till Black Friday or Cyber Monday before ordering electronics since they are looking for great deals. But if you made it your resolution to get new infrastructure, you need to shop smart.
Look out for high-quality tech items and purchase them when the price has dropped significantly. This way, you can enjoy more value for your money. When a new one is released, some tech products also decrease in price, so you can purchase those if you’re working with a budget.

Stop Driving with Your Phone

Aside from the fact that this isn’t safe, there are also different fines and tickets that you can get when you drive with your phone. Hundreds of thousands of people get into accidents when driving because of distractions, and even if you’re careful with yourself, you should be considerate to those going on the road.
Rather than driving with your phone, it would be best if you connected a Bluetooth speaker or headset to your car. Ensure that you only wear one part of the headset or earphones if you want to make phone calls and can’t lift the phone.

Remove the TV from the Bedroom

Although this will seem like a massive change in your life, you should make it your tech resolution to remove the TV from your bedroom. This will significantly make your life easier, especially in the case of sleep. Due to the TV in your bedroom, you will be sleeping late, and if you have early mornings, this means less sleep.
Televisions significantly contribute to chronic sleep debt, as shows can become gripping and keep you from sleeping. With fewer hours of sleep, you have increased obesity and morbidity. You should also avoid putting the TV in your kid’s bedroom, which can disrupt your sleep pattern. It’s best installed in the family or living room or the den.

Eat Without Your Phone

Aside from taking your TV out of the bedroom and avoiding driving with your phone, it’s also an excellent resolution to eat without your phone. Once you take pictures for your Instagram, you should put the phone down and eat, whether to spend time with those you are eating with or collect your thoughts.
We are often stretched thin daily with so many things to do, so setting your phone down at breakfast, lunch, and dinner gives you a moment to yourself. You can start by reading regular books while you read, and slowly, you will be able to eat without always using your phone.

Avoid Waste

If you check your man cave or office, there’s a good chance that you have loads of unused gadgets and old power cables. When you purchase a new charger or electronics, it’s common to throw it into the drawer rather than in the trash.
Make it your tech resolution to get all this junk out of your home and life. If your junk is still usable, you can trade it for rewards with companies like Amazon and Gazelle. Inform the company of the device you want to trade in and ask how much you can get.

Back Your Computer Up

Although backing up a computer is widespread knowledge that any tech user knows, the real question is whether you did it or not. It would be best if you backed your computer up regularly to avoid losing any data from your device whenever there is damage.
You can backup your computer in three different ways, which ensures that you don’t lose any information. For one, backup your computer to an external file. Backing your laptop up to the cloud is also critical and famous today. If your computer and external drive are ever damaged, you still have data in the cloud. It’s also possible to use off-site backups to keep you secure.

Be Careful About Misinformation

When using different tech devices, there’s always the case of misinformation. You should check whether the news is correct or not before you post it to others. Misinformation is a serious problem today and is also irresponsible.
You can avoid this by fact-checking data that you find online before you charge it. If it sounds weird, you should probably avoid posting it. Make this your resolution to keep yourself away from misinformation and bogus posts on the internet.

Paperless is the Best Way

The final tech resolution on our list is to go paperless, and you can do so with all your devices. Papers are gotten from trees in forests, and the more we make, the fewer trees we have for oxygen and other purposes. You can show your interest in the environment and make your life easier by going paperless.
You can go paperless with your phone or laptop by saving documents on the device, especially in the cloud. Being paperless will also do wonders for getting rid of messes and scraps of paper around you. With the paperless design, you can do almost everything that requires paper on your phone.
Although you can’t make all the tech resolutions, you should look out for those that resonate with you the most. With these resolutions, you can make your life easier and get the most out of your tech devices.


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